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66390_Fuel Performance Modeling Plan to Support the Advanced Gas Reactor Program.PNG 66390_Fuel Performance Modeling Plan to Support the Advanced Gas Reactor Program
This report documents the current status of the fuel performance modeling initiative to support the Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) Fuel Development and Qualification Program in the development of tristructural isotropic (TRISO)-coated fuel particles.
This report documents the current status of the fuel performance modeling initiative to support the Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) Fuel Development and Qualification Program in the development of tristructural isotropic (TRISO)-coated fuel particles.
71441_Kernel Buffer.png 71441_Kernel Buffer Volume Fraction Margin of the AGR Designed Fuel Particle
Modeling results used to assess the fuel performance of the TRISO-coated fuel particles as a function of kernel/buffer volume fraction.
Modeling results used to assess the fuel performance of the TRISO-coated fuel particles as a function of kernel/buffer volume fraction.
78112_AGC-4 Specimen Post-Irradiation Examination Data Interim Report.PNG 78112_AGC-4 Spcimen Post-Irradiation Examination Data Interim Report
This interim report documents preliminary results of the post-irradiation examination material-property testing from the fourth Advanced Graphite Creep (AGC) experiment campaign, AGC-4, capsule specimens.
This interim report documents preliminary results of the post-irradiation examination material-property testing from the fourth Advanced Graphite Creep (AGC) experiment campaign, AGC-4, capsule specimens.
78846_ Baseline Characterization.PNG 78846_Baseline Characterization Baseline Characterization  Database Verification  Report NBG-17 Billet V104
The purpose of this report is to present data collected in the Baseline Graphite Characterization Program, which is directly tasked with supporting the Idaho National Laboratory’s research and development efforts on the ART Program.
The purpose of this report is to present data collected in the Baseline Graphite Characterization Program, which is directly tasked with supporting the Idaho National Laboratory’s research and development efforts on the ART Program.
ART FACT SHEET.png Advanced Reactor Technologies Gas-Cooled Reactors
Work is primarily perfromed at Argonne, Oak Ridge, and Idaho national laboratories. Including participants from industry and
The mission of the Department of Energy
Nuclear Energy's (DOE-NE) Advanced Reactor
Technologies (ART) program is to develop
new and advanced reactor designs and
technologies that strengthen reactor
competitiveness and support the nation's
energy, environmental, and national security
ART is primarily performed at the Idaho,
Argonne, and Oak Ridge national laboratories
and includes participants from industry and
universities. The program also participates in
international collaborations to foster and
leverage international reactor, technology,
research and development.