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INL Advanced Reactor Technologies
ART Programs
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Design, Methods and Validation
High Temperature Materials R&D
Fuel Qualification
Graphite R&D
INL Advanced Reactor Technologies
Currently selected
NEUP Library
2024 Meetings
2023 Meetings
Reports - High Temperature Materials R&D
74748_FY-23 Status Report on the Development of New ASME Section III, Division 5 Class B Rules
This report summarizes the work done in Fiscal Year 2023 on the development of the new American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 5, Class B rules to address the gaps identified for high temperature reactor designs. The summary of the design by analysis strain limit evaluation and creep-fatigue damage assessment is presented. The proposed design-by-analysis creep-fatigue damage calculation approach uses a new elastic follow-up-based Isochronous Stress Strain Curve stress relaxation procedure. This approach captures the elastic follow up generated due to interactions of components with adjacent components, supports, and other connections in the power plant. A set of sample problems are selected to validate the proposed design-by-analysis rules for creep-fatigue damage assessment. The proposed Class B rules are evaluated against the Class A elastic design rules and the experimental data obtained from a family of a simplified model test based key-feature test results. The proposed Class B creep-fatigue damage assessment methodology yields conservative design cycles estimates compared to the experimental results.
74483_Analysis and Thermal Property Investigations into Ternary Actinide Chloride Salt Systems Containing UCl3 and PuCl3
While regulators, the scientific community, and MSR developers still lack access to literature data on the thermal properties of clean fuel salts, even less information is available on the properties of fuel salts containing impurities. It is essential to understand, benchmark, and predict crucial data on the changes in thermal properties of fuel salt systems due to impurities arising from moisture, corrosion, and reactor operation (i.e., fission products). This research focuses on two actinide fuel salts (1) to investigate a worst-case scenario buildup of actinide fission product in a NaCl-UCl3 eutectic fuel salt and (2) to investigate NaCl-PuCl3 eutectic salt after 1000 hours of operation in a natural circulation flow loop flow to determine if corrosion or atmospheric (moisture/oxygen) products are present. For the first salt, a conservative assumption or worst-case scenario, for fission product buildup in a fuel salt was investigated by adding PuCl3 to eutectic 67 mol% NaCl – 33 mol% UCl3 salt resulting in a ternary salt having a composition of 61 mol% NaCl – 30 mol% UCl3 – 9mol% PuCl3. Addition of PuCl3 to eutectic NaCl-UCl3 resulted in a ternary salt that had a higher melting temperature than either the NaCl-PuCl3 or NaCl-UCl3 binary eutectic mixture.
74540_Development of Surveillance Test Articles with Reduced Dimensions and Material Volumes to Support MSR Materials Degradation Management
This report details the efforts toward developing new surveillance test article designs with reduced dimensions and material volumes to support materials surveillance technology development for advanced reactors. Two fabrication methods for the surveillance test articles are described. Welded test articles were fabricated with 316H and A617 materials, and interlocking test articles were fabricated using A709 and titanium-zirconium-molybdenum (TZM). The preliminary results demonstrate the successful design and testing of the flat surveillance test articles. The report also describes ongoing efforts to use an induction heating test setup to increase the heat up and cool down rates in testing the surveillance test articles. A brief description of the planned FY-24 work is provided.
Report Documenting Activity for Second Alloy 709 Commercial Heat
Qualification of the advanced austenitic stainless steel material Alloy 709 for use in Section III Division 5 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is being pursued by the DOE ART Program. Qualification of this alloy will allow its use in the design and construction of components for elevated temperature nuclear reactor systems.
Mechanical Properties of Aged A709
A709 plate is in the process of being developed and qualified through a collaboration by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The goal is to qualify A709 plate in Section III, Division 5 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC).