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Fuels.png Fuel Development and Qualification
TRISO fuel development and qualification R&D consists of seven experiments that will be assembled, irradiated, examined, and tested to provide a baseline fuel-form qualification data set to support the licensing and operation of a HTGR.
TRISO fuel development and qualification R&D consists of seven experiments that will be assembled, irradiated, examined, and tested to provide a baseline fuel-form qualification data set to support the licensing and operation of a high-temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR). The seven irradiation experiments, designated as Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR) 1 through AGR 7, have been defined to provide the necessary data and sample materials for post irradiation examination (PIE).
Graphite.png Graphite Development and Qualification: source selection, development, testing, and qualification
The Graphite program supports the HTR design and licensing process. The thermal, environmental, and service life conditions within a graphite core reactor design make selection and qualification of the graphite materials a significant challenge.
The Graphite program supports the High Temperature Reactor (HTR) design and licensing process. The thermal, environmental, and service life conditions within a graphite core reactor design make selection and qualification of the graphite materials a significant challenge; thus, new graphite sources and approaches may be required. In addition, due to the geologic nature of graphite source materials, small but significant variations within these raw materials exacerbate difficulties in qualification of a single graphite grade. To address these additional complications, the Graphite program includes graphite grades that span the range of possible attributes affecting the performance of graphite components within these HTRs and thus provide data and information to accurately predict and model irradiated graphite behavior.
Licensing.jpg Regulatory Support: NRC regulatory framework development and implementation
The mission of Licensing is to work closely with industry, NRC staff, and other potential contributors to identify and resolve key licensing and regulatory issues for advanced reactor developers, future owner/operators, and other industry stakeholders.
The mission of Licensing is to work closely with industry, NRC staff, and other potential contributors to identify and resolve key licensing and regulatory issues for advanced reactor developers, future owner/operators, and other affected industry stakeholders. The goal, or “end state,” of the work being performed is establishment of a licensing pathway for non-light-water-reactors that is sufficiently robust and well defined so that reactor developers, their sponsors, and interested owner/operators can move forward with increased clarity and reasonable assurance of licensing success that, in-turn, leads to commercial deployment. In particular, it is intended that resolution of the key licensing issues addressed by this work does not impact the “critical path” to non-light-water-reactor development, demonstration, and commercialization.
Materials.png High-temperature Materials: materials selection, development, testing, and qualification
The High Temperature Materials Program supports the HTGR design and licensing process. The thermal, environmental, and service life conditions of the HTGR will make selection and qualification of high temperature materials a significant challenge.
The High Temperature Materials Program supports the HTGR design and licensing process. The thermal, environmental, and service life conditions of the HTGR will make selection and qualification of high temperature materials a significant challenge; thus, new materials and approaches may be required.
Methods.png Design Methods and Validation: reactor and balance of plant design, engineering, safety analysis, verification, and validation
The development, design, permitting, and construction of an HTR requires multiple and varied analyses and computational methods.
The development, design, permitting, and construction of an HTR requires multiple and varied analyses and computational methods. The gas cooled thermal reactors built and operated in the United States and elsewhere to date are characterized by sustained operations at conditions that have substantial design and safety margins. The margins were designed to be large because the legacy analysis tools were not capable of calculating important local limiting parameters with sufficient accuracy to reduce the safety margins.
Strength_After_Oxidation.png Degradation of Strength under Varying Oxidizing Conditions
Strength behavior of fine- and medium-grain nuclear graphite grades after subjection to varying oxidation conditions are presented.
The Degradation of Strength under Varying Oxidizing Conditions for Nuclear Graphite, INL/EXT-19-53723, April 2019.