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INL Advanced Reactor Technologies
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These references are listed in the AGR-1 Post Irradiation Examination Final Report, INL/EXT-15-36407.
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TRISO Fuels Documents
AGR TRISO Fuels Program Review July 18-19, 2017
AGR Fuels Program Review June 8-9, 2016
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Site Contents
Advanced Electron Microscopy and Micro Analytical Technique Development and Application on Irradiated TRISO Coated Particles from the AGR-1 Experiment
AGR-1 Daily As Run Thermal Analysis, ECAR-968
AGR-1 Fuel Compact 6-3-2 PIE Exam, INL/EXT-12-27123
AGR-1 Fuel Product Specification and Characterization Guidance, EDF 4380, Rev. 8
AGR-1 Irradiated Compact 6-1-1 PIE Report ORNL TM-2012_233-R0
AGR-1 Irradiated Compact 6-4-2 PIE Report ORNL TM-2012_285
AGR-1 Irradiated Compacts 5-2-3 and 5-2-1 ORNL TM-2014_171-R0
AGR-1 Irradiated Test Train Preliminary Inspection and Disassembly First Look, INL/EXT-10-20722
AGR-1 Irradiation Experiment Test Plan, INL/EXT-05-00593
AGR-1 Irradiation Test Final As Run Report, INL/EXT-10-18097
AGR-1 Post Irradiation Examination Final Report, INL/EXT-15-36407
AGR-1 Post Irradiation Examination Plan, PLN 2828
Analysis of AGR-1 Neutron Fluence and Melt Wire Capsules, INL/MIS-12-26908, Rev. 2
Analysis of Fission Products on the AGR-1 Capsule Components, INL/EXT-13-28483
Analysis of Individual Compact Fission Product Inventory and Burnup for the AGR-1 TRISO Experiment Using Gamma Spectrometry, ECAR 1682, Rev. 3
Ceramographic Examinations of Irradiated AGR 1 Fuel Compacts, INL/EXT-12-25301, Rev. 1
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Baseline Coated Particle Composite LEU01 46T, ORNL-TM 2006-019, Rev. 0
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Baseline Compact Lot LEU01 46T Z, ORNL-TM 2006-507
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Variant 1 Coated Particle Composite LEU01 47T, ORNL-TM 2006-020, Rev. 0
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Variant 1 Compact Lot LEU01 47T Z, ORNL-TM 2006-508
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Variant 2 Coated Particle Composite LEU01 48T, ORNL-TM 2006-021, Rev. 0
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Variant 2 Compact Lot LEU01 48T Z, ORNL-TM 2006-509
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Variant 3 Coated Particle Composite LEU01 49T, ORNL-TM 2006-022, Rev. 0
Data Compilation for AGR-1 Variant 3 Compact Lot LEU01 49T Z, ORNL-TM 2006-510
Electron Microscopic Examination of Irradiated TRISO Coated Particles of Compact 6-3-2 of AGR-1 Experiment, INL/EXT-11-23911
ENDF-B VII.1 Nuclear Data for Science and Technology Cross sections, Covariances, Fission Product Yields and Decay Data
Examination of Graphite Fuel Compact Holders for the AGR-1 TRISO Experiment using Gamma Spectrometry ECAR 1709
JMOCUP As Run Daily Depletion Calculation for the AGR 1 Experiment in the ATR B 10 Position, ECAR 958 Rev. 2
PIE on Five Irradiated AGR-1 Compacts, ORNL/LTR 2012-397
PIE on Safety Tested AGR-1 Compact 4-2-2 ORNL_TM-2015_33
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