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Folder: INL_NGNP References
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
Folder: NGNP Industry Alliance
7/29/2015 9:18 AM
Folder: NON INL_NGNP References
7/29/2015 9:19 AM
01 - Summary for NGNP Project In Review.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
02 - 2009 Status Report.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
03 - Engineering Status.pdf
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03a - Pre-Conceptual Design Report.pdf
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03aa - Pre-Conceptual Design Report - FULL - DO NOT PRINT.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
03b - Basis for NGNP Reactor Design Down-Selection.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
04 - Research and Development Status.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
05 - Licensing Status.pdf
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06 - NGNP Risk Mgmt through Assessing Technology Readiness.pdf
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07 - HTGR Projected Markets and Preliminary Economics.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
08 - Transforming the U.S. Energy Infrastructure.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
09 -NGNP Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - Consolidation Report.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
10 - Summary of Differences in Approach to Executing the NGNP.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
11 - Table of Contents of References.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
12 - End User Functional and Performance Requirements HTGR Energy Supply to Industrial Processes.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
13 - Key Design Requirements for the High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Nuclear Heat Supply System.pdf
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HTGR Key Requirements Design Functional and Performance Presentation.pdf
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HTGR Potential Market and Preliminary Economics Presentation.pdf
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Pebble Bed Reactor Assessment Executive Summary - AREVA.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
Pebble Bed Reactor Cost and Schedule rev 1 - AREVA.pdf
7/29/2015 9:09 AM
Pebble Bed Reactor Plant Design Description - AREVA.pdf
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Pebble Bed Reactor Scoping Safety Study - AREVA.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
Pebble Bed Reactor Technology Readiness Study - AREVA.pdf
7/29/2015 9:10 AM
Project Briefing for Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee Presentation.pdf
7/29/2015 9:09 AM